A & CP:Anchors and chains proved
AP OR A/P:After peak Tank
a/f:Also for (referring to ports to be touched by the ship)
Aa (AA):Always afloat
AAAA:Always afloat & always accessible
AB:Above bridges
ACP:African, Caribbean, Pacific countries
Ad val:Ad Valorem (duty)
ADCOM/Addcomm:Address commission
AF:Advance freight
AFRA:Average freight rate assessments
AFSPS:Arrival First Sea Piolt Station
AFT:At or towards the stern or rear of a ship
AG:Arabian Gulf (also referred to as PG Persian Gulf)
AGRIPODS:Agricultural products
AGW:All going well
AGWWP:All going well weather permitting
AH:Range of ports between and including Antwerp and Hamburg
Ah (AH):After hatch
AhL:Australian hold ladders
AICS:Associate of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London
AIMS:American Institute of Merchant Shipping
ANTHAM:Antwerp-Hamburg Range
AOG:Act of God
Ap or A/P:Aft perpendicular (of ship); after peak; all purposes; additional premium
API:American Petroleum Institute
APS:Arrival Pilot Station
AFPS:Arrival First Pilot Station
APT:After peak tank
AR:Antwerp - Rotterdam range
ARA:Antwerp - Rotterdam - Amsterdam range
ARAG:Amsterdam - Rotterdam - Antwerp - Ghent Range
ARH:Antwerp - Rotterdam - Hamburg range
ARHB:Antwerp - Rotterdam - Hamburg - Bremen range
ASA:Always safe(ly) afloat
ASAP (asap):As soon as possible
ASBA:Association of Shipbrokers and Agents
ATA:Actual Time of arrival
ATDN:Any time day and night
ATDNSHINC:Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Included
ATN:Aids to Navigation
ATRS:American Tank Rate Schedule
ATS:Actual time saved or All time saved
ATSB/ATSBE:All time saved both ends
ATSDO:All time saved loading only
ATUTC:Actual Times Used to Count
AWH:Available workable hatches
AWTSBE:All working time saved both ends
AWTSDO:All working time saved discharging only
AWTSLO:All working time saved loading only
AWTWL:All within Institute Warranty Limits
B.H.(range):Range of ports between and including Bordeaux & Hamburg
B.P.(bp/b.p.):Between perpendiculars; boiling point (gases).
B.S.:Boiler survey; bunker surcharge.
B.S. & W.:Bottom (or base) sediment and water.
b/d:Barrels per day.
B/E:Break even; (customs) bill of entry; bill of exchange.
BE, Bends:Both ends.
b/h:Barrels per hour.
BL, B/L (Bs/L):Bale capacity; Bill of Lading (plural of B/L).
B/N (b/n):Booking note.
B/O (b/o):Bulk/oil carrier.
B/R:Bordeaux of Rouen.
BA:Buenos Aires.
Bareboat Charter:Contract or hire of a ship under which the shipowner is usually paid a fixed amount of charterhire for a certain period of time during which the charterer is responsible for the operating costs and voyage costs of the ship as well as arranging for crewing (see Time Charter and Voyage Charter)
BACAT:Barge aboard catamaran
BAF:Bunker Adjustment Factor
Bar (brl):Barrel.
BB:Ballast bonus; bar bound; below bridges; bulbous bow; bareboat
BBB:Before Breaking Bulk
BC:British Columbia; British Channel.
BD:Bar draft, below deck.
BDI:Both dates (days) inclusive (or included).
BEAM:The maximum breadth of a ship
BENDS:Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports)
BENELUX:Belguim, the Netherlands and Luxembourg
Bext.:Breadth extreme.
BFI:Baltic Freight Index
BFO:Bunker fuel oil.
BH (B/H):Bill of health; bulkhead.
BHF:Bulk harmless fertilizers.
Bhp (BHP):Brake horse power (oil engines).
Bi/Bl:Both inclusive.
BIBO:Bulk in, bag out.
BIFFEX:The Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange
BIMCO:Baltic & International Maritime Council
BK:Bar keel.
BLK:Bulk (unpackaged solid cargo such as coal, ore and grain)
BSEA:Black Sea.
BLST (BST):Ballast. (Ballast: A substance, usually water, used to improve the stability and control the draft of a ship) (A vessel is said to be “in ballast” when it is steaming without cargo and carrying water as Ballast which is discharged before loading at the next loading port)
BOA:Berthing on arrival.
BOB:Bunker on Board
BOD:Bunker on Delivery; Board of Directors.
BOFFER(S):Best Offer(s)
BOR:Bunkers on re-delivery.
BORO:Bulk, Oil and roll-on, roll-off vessel.
BROB:Bunkers Remaining on Board
BS:Broken Stowage
BSS 1/1:Basis 1 Port to 1 Port
BST:British Summer Time, British Standard Time.
BT (bt):Berth terms.
BTD:Butadiene (cargo for gas carrier).
BTU:British Thermal Unit.
BW/BWA:Brackish water/ brackish water allowance.
C:Shine, Sundays and holidays included.
C & F (CFR):Cost and freight.
C and/or J:China and/or Japan.
C of B:Centre of Buoyancy
C&F:Cost and Freight
C&F FO:Cost & Freight Free Out
c.f.g:cubic feet of gas
c.f.g.d./hr./min:cubic feet of gas per day / hour / minute
c.f.hr./sec.:cubic feet per hour/second
C.I.F.:Cost, insurance and freight.
C.I.F. & E.:Cost, insurance, freight and exchange.
C.I.F.F.I.:Cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest.
C.I.F.F.O.:Cost, insurance, freight, and free out.
C.I.F.I. & E.:Cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange.
C.I.F.L.T. (CIFLT):Cost, insurance and freight, London terms.
c.m.p.s:centimetres per second
C.O:Country of origin; cargo oil; case oil
c.o.d.:Cash on delivery.
C/N:Credit Note
C/P (c/p orCP):Charter party.
C/V/E:Cable, victuals and entertainment.
CABAF:Currency and bunkering adjustment factors.
CABE (cabe):Charterer’s agents both ends.
CAF:Currency adjustment factor.
CAN:Calcium ammonium nitrate (cargo).
CAR (CARIB):Carribean Islands.
CB & H Cont. (BH):Continent between Bordeaux and Hamburg.
CBFT (or CFT):Cubic Feet
CBM:Cubic Meter
CBT:Clean ballast tanks
cc.hr./min:Cubic centimeter per hour/minute
CD:Customary Despatch
CENSA(pron.Kensa):Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners Associations.
CFR (or C&F):Cost and Freight
CH & H:Continent between Le Havre and Hamburg
CHA:Customs house agent.
CHINPAC:China Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.
CHOPT:Charterers Option
Charter:The hire of a ship for a specified period of time or to carry a cargo for a fixed fee from a loading port to a discharging port. The contract for a charter is called a charterparty
Charter-Hire:A sum of money paid to the shipowner by a charterer under a time charterparty for the use of a vessel
CHRTS:Charterer(s) (the individual or company hiring a ship)
CIF:Cost, Insurance & Freight.
CIM:International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail.
CIP:Carriage and insurance paid to.
CKD:Completely knocked down
CLC:Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969.a
CMI:Comite Maritime International.
CMR:Convention on the Contract for Intrntnl Carriage of Goods by Road.
cnr:Charter not reported.
COA:Contract of Affreightment (An agreement between shipowner and shipper concerning the freight of a defined amount of cargo. The shipowner chooses the ship)
COACP:Contract of Affreightment Charter Party
COB:Cargo on board; close of business.
COFR:Certificate of Financial Responsibility.
COGS (COGSA):Carriage of Goods by Sea (Act).
CONS:Consecutive; consumption.
Cont. (Cont.):Continent or Europe.
COP: Custom Of Port
COW:Crude Oil Washing
CP (or C/P):Charter Party
CPD:Charterers Pay Dues
CPP:Clean petroleum products.
CPT:Carriage paid to.
CQD:Customary Quick Despatch
CR (cr):Current rate; carrier’s risk.
CRD:Current rate discharge.
CRISTAL:Contract Regarding an Interim Settlement to Tanker Liability for Oil Pollution Damage.
CRL:Current rate of load.
CROB:Cargo Remaining on Board
CS:Laden Cape, ballast Suez.
CSC:International Convention for Safe Containers
CSD:Closed shelter deck
CST (c/s):Centistokes.
CT:Centre tank; cargo tank; cubic tonnage of a ship.
CTO:Combined transport operator
CTR:Container Fitted
CVO:Certificate of value and origin
CVs (consec):Consecutive voyages.
Cwt.:Hundred weight.
D1/2D (DHD):Despatch money payable at half demurrage rate
D.O:Delivery Order
d.p.:Direct port.
D.T:Deep Tank
D/A (DA):Discharge afloat, Disbursement Account
D/C:Deviation clause; (in) direct continuation.
D/P:Documents against payment
D/R/D:Dunnage, removal and disposal.
daa:Discharge always afloat.
DAF:Delivered at frontier.
DAMFORDET:Damages for Detention.
DAP (DAPS):Days all purpose; di-ammonium phosphate (fertilizer).
DB (db):Double bottom.
DBB (d. b. b):Deals, battens and boards (timber).
DBE:Despatch payable both ends
DBEATS:Despatch (payable) both ends, all time saved
DBEWTS:Despatch (payable) both ends, working time saved.
DBT:Double Bottom Tanks
DD:Daily discharge; dry docking.
DDO (ddo):Despatch discharging only.
DDP:Delivered duty paid.
DDU:Delivered duty unpaid.
DEC:De-ratting exemption certificate.
DEL (DELY):Delivery.
DEM:Demurrage (Quay Rent).
DEM-DES(P):Demurrage and dispatch.
DEQ:Delivered ex-quay
Der (DR):Derricks.
DES:Delivered ex-ship
DF:Dead Freight
DFD:Demurrage, free dispatch.
Dft:Draft (also spelt, draught).
dh:Double hull.
DHD:Despatch half demurrage
DHDATSBE:Dispatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBE:Dispatch Half Demurrage on Working TIme Saved Both Ends
DIRTY:Crude black oil.
DLOSP:Dropping last outward sea pilot.
DNRCAOSLONL:Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost
DO (d.o.):Diesel oil.
DOHP:Dropping outward harbour pilot.
DOLSP:Dropping Off Last Sea Pilot
DOP (dop):Dropping outward pilot.
DOSP:Dropping outward sea pilot.
DOT:Department of Transportation
DPD:Discharge port disbursements.
DPP (d.p.p.):Dirty petroleum products.
DRATE:Discharge rate.
DRC (d.r.c):Daily running cost.
DRI:Direct reduced iron (cargo).
DWA:Dock water allowance.
DWAT (dwat):Deadweight all told.
DWCC(dwcc):Deadweight cargo capacity.
Dwct:Deadweight cargo tons.
DWOC:Decline without counter.
DWT:Deadweight (tonnage) (the maximum weight of cargo and supplies that can be carried by a ship, expressed in long tons (2,240 lbs)
e.o.h.p.:Except otherwise herein provided.
E.O.P.:End (completion) of passage.
EAT:Expected (or estimated) arrival time.
Eb:Empty ballast
EC:East Coast; European Communities
ECCP:East Coast (UK) coal port
ECGB:East Coast of Great Britain.
ECI:East coast of India
ECM:East coast of Mexico
ECNA:East Coast of North America.
ECSA:East Coast of South America.
ECUK:East Coast of United Kingdom.
ECUS:East Coast of U.S.A
EDI:Electronic data interchange.
EGM:Export general manifest.
EI:East Indies
EIU:Even if used.
ELVENT:Electric Ventilation
ENE:East North-East.
EOP:End (Completion) of passage
EP:Estimated position.
ERLOAD:Expected ready to load.
ERV:Each round voyage.
EST:European Standard Time.
ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival
ETBC:Easy trimmer bulk carrier.
ETC:Estimated Time of Completion
ETD:Estimated Time of Departure
ETF:Expected time of finishing
ETR:Expected to be ready.
ETS:Estimated Time of Sailing
EUROMED:European Mediterranean.
EXW:Ex Works
F & D:Freight and demurrage
F.DESP:Free dispatch.
F.DIS:Free discharge.
FAC:Fast as can
Faccop:Fast as can, according to the custom of the port.
FAF:Fuel adjustment factor
FAK:Freight all kinds (containers)
FAS:Free alongside; free arrival station.
FBL:FIATA Combined transport bill of lading
FC:Fund Convention (for oil pollution damage).
FCA:Free to Carrier.
FCC:First class charterer
FCL:Full container load
FCS:Fresh of capture and seizure.
FCSSS:For Christ’s sake say something (slang).
FD:Free discharge; free of dispatch.
FDD:Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
FDEDANRSAOCLONL:Freight Deemed Earned Discountless & Non-Refundable Ship and/or Cargo Lost or Not Lost
FDESP:Free Dispatch
FDIS:Free Discharge
FEAST:Far East
FEU:Forty foot equivalent unit.
Ffa:Free from alongside.
FFI:For further instructions.
FH:First half
FHEX:Fridays, Holidays Excluded (Muslim Countries)
FHINC:Fridays and holidays included.
FIB:Free into barge; free into bunkers.
FICS:Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London.
FILO:Free in and liner out.
FILTD:Free in, liner terms discharge
FIO:Free In/Out.
FIOLS:Free in and out, lashed and secured.
FIOS:Free in and out, and stowed.
FIOSpT:Fee in and out, spout trimmed.
FIOST:Free in and out, stowed and trimmed.
FIOT:Free In/Out and Trimmed.
FISLSD/LO:Free in, stowed, lashed, secured and dunnaged /liner out.
FIT:Free In Trimmed OR Free of income tax
FIW:Free In Wagon
FLASH:Feeder lighter aboard ship
FLT:Full liner terms; forklift truck.
FMC:Federal Maritime Commission
FO:Free overside; fuel oil; furnace oil; for orders; free out.
FO (IFO):Fuel Oil (Intermediate Fuel Oil)
FOB:Free on Board.
FOBS:Free on board and stowed.
FOBT:Free on board and trimmed.
FOC:Flag of Convennience; free of conveyance; also free of charge
FOD:Free of damage.
FOFFER:Firm Offer
FOG:For Our Guidance
FOM:Flag, ownership and management.
FONASBA:Federation of National Association of Shipbrokers and Agents
FOQ:Free on quay.
FOR:Free On Rail
Freight (FRT):The price paid to a shipowner for the transportation of a cargo from one specific port to another. Freight often applies to voyage charters
Freight Rate:The agreed freight charge calculated by metric tons of cargo or deadweight ton per month
FW:Fresh water
G:Grain capacity.
G.A.:General Average.
G.B.:Great Britain.
G/B (GR/BL):Grain / bale capacity.
GBB:Gross ballast bonus.
GC:General cargo; great circle.
GENCAR (GENCGO):General cargo.
GEOG RTN:In geographical rotation.
G-H RGE:Gibraltar - Hamburg range
GLESS:Gear less.
GLFD:Gas oil.
GN (or GR):Grain (capacity)
GNCN:Gencon (General Conditions)
GO:Gas Oil
GOP:Gross operating profit.
GP:General purpose
GRT:Gross register ton.
GSB:Good Safe Berth
GSP:Good Safe Port
GSSL:Ports of Genoa, Savona, Spezia or Leghorn.
GSSLNCV:Ports of Genoa, Savona, Spezia, Leghorn, Naples, Civetta or Vecchia
GT:Gross tonnage.
H.A. or D.:Le Havre, Antwerp or Dunkirk.
H.H. (H/H):Ports between and inclusive of Le Havre and Hamburg.
Ha:Hatch, hatchway.
HAT:Highest astronomical tide.
HBR:Hamburg range.
HC:hatch cover; hold cleaning.
HCHTRS:Head charterers.
HCM:Ho Chi Minh City.
HD:Half dispatch.
Handy (HDY):Vessel in a size between 20,000 - 40,000 dwt and mostly have gear on board (crane or derrick)
Handymax (Hdymax):Vessel in a size between 40 - 60,000 dwt (also called super or supra max). For handymax (or supramax) type of vessel being built onward 2000, are mostly equiped not also with crane but have grabs on board as well.
HDLTSBENDS:Half Dispatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends
HDWTS:Half Despatch Working Time Saved
HDWTSBE:Half dispatch working time saved both ends
HFO:Heavy fuel oil.
HG:Heavy grain.
HHDW:Handy Heavy d.w. (scrap)
HHDWS:Heavy, handy, deadweight scrap
HMB:Heavy motor block
HMS:Heavy Melting Scrap
HNS:Hazardous and Noxious Substances
HR/HRDS:Hampton Roads
HSD:High speed diesel.
HSS:Heavy grains, Soyabeans and sorghums
HVF:Heavy viscosity fuel oil.
HW:High Water
HWDW:Heavy, handy, dead weight.
HWLTHC:Height waterline to top hatch.
HWONT:High water at ordinary neap tides
HWOST:High water at ordinary spring tides
I.A.C.S. (IACS):International Association of Classification Societies.
IATA:International Air Transport Association.
IBC:Intermediate bulk carrier.
ICC:International Chamber of Commerce.
ICS:Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers; International Chamber of Shipping.
IDL:International Date Line.
IFO:Intermediate fuel oil.
IGM:Import general manifest.
IGS:Inert Gas System.
IHP:Indicated horse power.
ILO:International Labour Organisation, Geneva.
ILOHC:In lieu of hold cleaning.
ILOW:In lieu of weighing.
IMB:International Maritime Bureau.
IMDG:International Maritime Dangerous Goods
IMO:International Maritime Organisation
IN&/OR OVER:Goods carried below or on deck
INMARSAT:International Maritime Convention on Communication by Satellite.
INTERCARGO:International Association of Dry Cargo shipowners.
INTERTANKO:International Association of Independent Tanker Owners.
IOPC:International Oil Pollution Compensation
IOT (INCLOT):Including overtime.
ISF:International Shipping Federation.
ISM:International Safety Management (Code).
ISO:International Standards Organisation.
ITF:International Transport Worker’s Federation.
IU:If Used
IUATUC:If used actual time used to count
IUHTAUTC:If Used, Half Time Actually to Count
IWL:Institute Warranty Limits
J. & W.O.:Jettison and washing overboard.
JV:Joint venture.
K:“000” i.e. thousand, e.g. 2K = two thousand.
k, kn, knt, kt, knot:Knot; nautical miles (6080 feet or 1853 metres) per hour.
KMT:Distance from keel to mast.
LA:Los Angeles
LASH:Lighter aboard ship (barge carrier).
LAT:Lowest austronomical tide; latitude.
Laycan or Lay/Can or L/C or LYCN:Layday (first date) / Canceling (last date) - of ship and cargo readiness
LB:Long Beach
LBP:Length between perpendiculars.
LC (L/C):London clause; letter of credit; laycan.
LCI:Lambert’s Capesize Index.
Lcr:Lowest current rate.
LDN:London; Laden
LDO:Light diesel oil.
LDPT:Load Port
LEFO:Land’s end for orders.
LGFM:Lond Grain Fixures Market
LHAR:London, Hull, Amsterdam or Rotterdam.
LIFO:Liner in, Free out; Last in, First out
LL:Laden legs; loadlines.
LLT:London landed terms.
LM:Lane metres.
LMC:Lloyd’s machinery certificate.
LNG:Liquefied natural gas (carrier).
LO:Lubricating oil.
LO/LO:Load-on and load-off or Lift-on and lift-off vessel.
LOA:Length Overall of the vessel
LOF:Lloyd’s Open Form. (Salvage Agreement), 1995.
LOI:Letter of indemnity.
LOW:Last open water.
LPD:Load port disbursements.
LPG:Liquified petroleum gas
LQT:Liverpool quay terms.
LRATE:Load rate.
LS:Lumber (timber) summer loadline.
LS (or LUMPS):Lumpsum
LSD:Landing ship dock; landing, storage and delivery
LSD:Lashed Secured Dunnaged
LSLSDU:Loaded, stowed, lasned, secured, dunnaged and unlashed.
LT (It/Its):Long ton; liner terms; London terms.
Lt. V:Light vessel.
LTBENDS:Liner terms, both ends.
LTS (BE):Laytime saved (both ends).
LW:Low Water
LWNA:Lumber Winter North Atlantic (loadline).
M:Metre; measure; measurement.
M/R:Mate’s receipt.
M/V:Motor Vessel
MAA:Mina Al Ahmadi
MAP:Mono-ammonium phosphate
MARPOL:Convention for the Prevention of Maritime Pollution from ships (1973/1978).
MATS:Material(s), (i.e. dunnage).
MB:Merchant Broker
MB/T:Motor blocks/ turnings.
MBTE:Methyl, butyl, tertiaer ether
MDO:Marine diesel oil.
MH:Main hatch.
MHWN:Mean high water neaps (formerly, HWONT).
MHWS:Mean high water springs (formerly, HWOST).
MICS:Member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London.
MIN/MAX: Minimum/Maximum
ML:Motor launch.
MLLW:Mean low low water.
MLW:Mean low low water.
MLWN:Mean low water neaps
MLWS:Mean low water springs
MOL:More or Less
MOLCHOPT:More or Less Charterers Option
MOLOO:More or Less Owners Option
MOP:Muriate of Potash (fertiliser)
MPP:Multi-purpose (vessel).
MRX:Medium range cross-purpose tanker.
MS:Motor shop; motor spirit; machinery survey.
MSA:Merchant Shipping Act.
MSC:Manchester Ship Canal; Maritime Safety Committee (of IMO).
MSV:Motor support vessel.
MT:Metric ton (tonne); multimodal transport; main terms; motor tanker.
MTL:Mean tidal level.
MTO:Multimodal transport operator.
MTPA:Million metric tonnes per annum.
MV, M/V, M.V.:Motor vessel.
N:and; north
N.CONT / N.CONTI:North Continent.
n.E.:Not east of.
n.e.p.(NEP):Not elsewhere provided.
n.m.:Nautical mile.
n.N.(N/N):Not north of
N.O.P.:Net operating profit.
n.o.p.:Not otherwise provided.
n.S.:Not south of.
n.W.:Not west of.
N.Y.T.:New York Standard Time.
N/B:New building.
N/t:New terms (grain trade).
NA:North Atlantic; North America; nearest approach.
NAA:Not always Afloat
NAABSA:Not Always Afloat but Safely Aground
NCB:National Cargo Bureau
NCSA:North Coast South America
NES(n.e.s):Not elsewhere specified.
NEW:North West Europe
NEWCT:North East of West Coast Italy.
NHP:Nominal horse power.
NJ:New Jason clause in C/P.
NMPD:Nautical miles per day.
NNGWB:Not north of George Washington Bridge (i.e. New York).
NOLA:New Orleans
NOPAC:North Pacific (Ports)
NOR (N/R):Notice of Readiness.
NOR T & A:Notice of Readiness tendered and accepted.
NORT:Notice of Readiness tendered.
NPK:Nitro Phosphatic Kompound
NR:Northern Range of Ports (in US)
NR T (nrt):Not register tonnage.
NRT:Net Restricted Tonnage
NS:No sparring.
NSW:New South Wales (Australia)
NT:Net tonnage; neap tides; new tonnage.
NTC:Not to count.
NTCEIU:Not to count, even if used.
NTCEUU:Not to count, unless used.
NVOCC:Non-vessel owing common carrier.
NY (NYK):New York.
NYPE:New York Produce Exchange
O.O.:Owner’s option.
O/B:On board.
O/C:Open charter; ore carrier
O/D:Over deck.
O/O:Oil/ore (or ore/oil) carrier.
OA OK:Overage okay.
oaaoop:On arrival at or of the port.
OABE:Owners agents both ends
OAFSP:On arrival first sea pilot.
OAHPS:On arrival harbour pilot station
OAL:Overall length (same as LOA).
OAPEC:Organisation of Arabic Petroleum Exporting Countries.
OBO:Oil, bulk, ore carrier.
OBQ:On board quantity.
Oc B/L:Ocean bill of lading.
OCC:Outward clearance certificate; Oil Co-ordination Committee.
OCIMF:Oil Companies International Marine Forum
ODM:Oil discharge monitor
OECD:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
O-H (O/H):Off-hire.
OHBC:Open hatch bulk carrier.
OO:Owners Option
OPA:(US) Oil Pollution Act, 1990 or Owners Protecting Agent
OPEC:Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
OSB:One safe berth.
OSD/CSD:Open shelter deck or closed shelter deck (vessel).
OSH:Open Shelter Deck
OSP:One safe port.
OSPB:One safe port or berth.
OSV:Offshore supply vessel.
P & I (PANDI):Protection and Indemnity (Club).
P + C (P AND C):Private and confidential.
PANAMAX:Vessel in size between 60,000 - 80,000 dwt, of maximum lenght, breadth and draft (fully loaded) capable of passing through the Panama Canal
p.f.t.:Per freight ton.
p.p. (pp):Picked ports.
p.p.i.:Policy proof of interest.
p.t. (PT):Per ton; private terms.
PA (P/A):Particular average.
PAD:Pacific Australia Direct
PB:Permanent bunkers; poop and bridge.
PBF:Poop, bridge and forecastle.
PC:Period of Charter, Port Clearance
pc:Part cargo, parcel cargo.
PCC:Pure car carrier.
PCGO:Part Cargo
PCM:Per calender month (hire).
PCNT:Panama Canal Net Tonnage.
PCO (PICO):Port in charterer’s option.
PCTC:Pure car and truck carrier.
PD:Port dues.
PDPR:Per day pro-rata.
PER SE:By Itself
PERDIEM:By the Day
PG (P/G):Persian Gulf (also, referred as AG = Arabian Gulf)
PHC:Port handling charges.
PHD:Per hatch per day.
PHO:Port health officer.
PHPD:Per Hatch Per Day
PIC:Person in charge.
PIOPIC:P & I Oil Pollution Indemnity Clause.
PMO:Passing Muscat outbound
PMT:Per metric ton.
POA:Place of acceptance.
POB:Pilot on board.
poc (POC):Port of call.
pod (POD):Port of Discharge
POL:Petroleum, oil and lube Or Port of Loading
por (POR):Port of refuge.
PPS:Pumps (capacity in cubic metres).
PPUK:Picked ports of U.K
PQ:Province of Quebec.
PRC:People’s Republic of China.
PSI:Pounds per square inch; pre shipment inspection.
pssg (PSSG):Passing.
PST:Pacific Standard Time.
pt B:Port bunkers.
PUS:Past us.
PWWD:Per Weather Working day
q.c:Quantity at Captain's option
Quad:Canada, EC, Japan & US
QWT:Quay weight
R of T:Range of tide.
r.d.:Running days.
R/E:Rate of exchange.
R/P:Return to port for orders.
R/T:Revenue ton.
R/V (RV):Round voyage.
RAPL:Rotterdam – Amsterdam Pipeline.
RBAY:Richards Bay
RBCT:Richards Boy Coal Terminal.
RCN:Research octane number.
RDC (rdc):Running down clause.
Re-cap:Recapitulation (summary of main points).
RED:Rate, extras demurrage.
RELET:To sub-charter
RNR:Rate not reported.
Roads (roads):Anchorage Area
ROB:Remaining on board.
RORO (ro-ro):Roll-on/roll-off (vessel).
RPM:Revolutions (or rotations) per minute.
RPS:Revolutions (or rotations) per second.
RT:Right time of ship departure/arrival or rye terms.
RT:Revenue Tonne
RTBA:Rate to be agreed.
RTD:Round trip distance.
RUW:Ruwais (port)
S:Summer loadline; south.
S & P (S AND P):Sale and purchase.
S d/k:Shelter deck.
s.s. & c.:Same sea and country coast.
S/a:Safe arrival; subject to approval.
S/A (S.A.):South America; South Australia; South Africa; safe anchorage; Salvage Association.
S/F (SOF):Statement of facts.
S/N:Shipping note.
S/S:Suez laden, Suez ballast.
SA/SHEX:Saturday afternoon/Sundays and holidays excepted.
SABIO:Stem and Berth in order
SATPM:Saturday P.M.
SB:Safe berth.
SBE:Standby engine.
SBM:Single buoy mooring (for oil tankers); soyabean meal (cargo).
SBT:Segregated ballast tanks.
SCNT:Suez Canal Net Tonnage.
SD:Single deck; self-discharging.
SDBC:Single Decker bulk carrier
SDR:Special Drawing Rights (IMF).
SDWT (sdwt):Summer deadweight.
SEA:South east Asia
SELFD:Self Discharging
SEMI-TRAILERS:Are usually 12.0 meter flatbed road trailers
SF:San Francisco; Summer Freeboard; Stowage factor.
SG:Specific gravity.
SH:Second Half
SHEX:Sundays and holidays excepted.
SHEXEIU:Sundays and holidays excepted, even if used.
SHEXUU:Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used.
SHINC:Sundays, Holidays Included
SHU:Shuaibu (port).
Sim Sub:Similar substitute.
SITPRO:Simplification of International Trade Procedures (Board).
SKO:Superior kerosene oil.
SKOR:South Korea
SLT:Sludge Tank
SOB:Shipped on board.
SOC:Shipper Owned Container
SOF:Statement of Facts
SOLAS:International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (1974/78).
SP:Safe Port
SPASS:Skaw - Passero (range)
spd:Ship pays dues; speed.
SPM:Single point mooring.
SOPT MARKET:The market for immediate employement of a vessel. Short term contracts, normally not longer than three months in duration.
SPT (spt):Spot.
SRBL:Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading
SS:Service speed; steamship; special survey.
SSHEX (or SATSHEX):Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SSHINC (or SATSHINC):Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
SSW:Summer salt water.
STBC:Self-trimming bulk carrier
Stc:Said to contain
STCW:Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping for Seafarers.
STD (std):Standard (timber trade).
STEM:Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo)
STERN:The aformost part of a ship
Stoa:Subject to owner’s approval.
Stw:Said to weigh.
SUB:Subject (to)
Sub open:Subject open
Sub stem:Subject stem (availability of cargo).
Subdets:Subject details (of C/P).
SUBDGS:Subject to Director-General of Shipping approval.
SUBs:Subjects (fixed on)
SUPER/SUPRAMAX:Vessel in a size between 50 - 60,000 dwt and mostly equiped with crane and have grabs on board.
SV:Sailing vessel.
SW:Salt water; shipper’s weight.
SWAD:Salt Water Arrival Draft
SWDD:Salt water departure draft.
SWL:Safe working load (of cranes, derricks).
T:Tropical loadline
T/C Trip (TCT):Time charter trip.
T/P:Trans Pacific.
T/S:Time sheet; transshipment.
TAFHEX:Thursday afternoons Fridays and holidays excepted.
TARV (TA R/V):Trans Atlantic Round Voyage
TBA:To be advised.
TBD:To be declared.
TBMA:To be mutually agreed.
TBN:To be nominated
TC (T/C, t/c):Time charter (Contract for hire of a ship under which the shipowner is paid charterhire on a per day basis for a certain period of time, the shipowner being responsible for providing the crew and paying operating costs while the charterer is responsible for paying the voyage costs. Any delays at port or during the voyages are the responsibility of the charterer, save for certain specific exceptions such as loss of time arising from vessel breakdown and routine maintenance. (see Voyage Charter and Bareboat Charter)
TCE:Time charter equivalent (Freight revenues less voyage costs (bunker costs, port charges, agents fees, etc)
TCH:Time charter hire
TCM:Convention on the International Combined Transport of Goods.
TCT:Time charter Trip
TCY:Time charter yield
TDK:Tween decker.
TDW (tdw):Tons deadweight.
TECH:Toxic, explosive, corrosive and hazardous (dangerous cargo)
TEU:Twenty foot equivalent unit.
TF:Tropical fresh water loadline.
THC:Terminal handling charges,
TIB:Trimmed in bunkers.
TIP:Takind inward pilot
TMK:Tonnage mark.
TNC:Time to next cargo
TOTCOM:Total commission.
TOVALOP:Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for oil Pollution
Tp:Time in port.
TPC:Tons per centimeter (immersion).
TPCM:Tons per cubic metre
TPD:Tons per day.
TPI:Tons per inch
TPRV (TP R/V):Trans Pacific Round Voyage
TR:Tons registered.
TRND:To be renamed.
Ts:Time at sea.
TSP:Triple super phosphate
TST:Topside tank.
TT:Telegraphic transfer; Turn-time
TW:Tween Decker
TWHD:Tons per working or workable hatch per day.
TYT:Thanks your telex.
U.K.f.o.:United Kingdom for orders.
U.K.H.A.D.:United Kingdom and Le Havre-Antwerp-Dunkirk range.
U.K.H.H.:United Kingdom and Le Havre-Hamburg range.
U/D:Under deck.
UK/Cont (B.H.):United Kingdom or Continent (Bordeaux-Hamburg range).
UK/Cont (G.H.):United Kingdom or Continent (Gibraltar-Hamburg range).
UK/Cont (H.H.):United Kingdom or Continent (Le Havre-Hamburg range).
UKC:United Kingdom or Continent
ULCC:Ultra large crude carrier (Ultra large crude carrier exceeding 320,000 dwt)
UNCITRAL:United Nations’ Commission on International Trade Law.
UNCTAD:United Nations’ Commission on Trade and Development.
USAC:United States Atlantic Coast.
USC:Unless sooner commenced.
USCG:United States Coast Guard.
USEC (USEA):United States East Coast.
USG:United States Gulf of Mexico.
USNH:United States North of (Cape) Hatteras (northern range).
USNP:United States North Pacific.
USSH:United States South of (Cape) Hatteras.
USWC (USWE):United States West Coast.
UU:Unless Used
UUIWCTAUTC:Unless Used in Which Case Time Actually Used to Count
V/C:Voyage charter (Contract for hire of a ship under which a shipowner is paid freight on the basis of moving cargo from a loading port to a discharge port. Normally per ton of cargo. The shipowner is responsible for paying both operating costs and voyage costs. The charterer is typically responsible for any delay at the loading or discharging ports) (see Time Charter and Bareboat Charter)
VGO:Vacuum gas oil.
VLCC:Very large crude carrier of approximately 200,000 to 320,000 dwt
VLOO:Very large ore/oiler (carrier).
VOC:Vessel operating carrier.
VPD:Vessel Pays Dues
VTMS:Vessel traffic management system.
VTS:Vessel traffic system
W:Winter loadline mark; Worldscale.
W/M:Weight and/or measurement.
WAG:West Asia gulf
WB:Water ballast, waybill.
WCA:West Coast Africa.
WCCOM (WICCON):Whether (in) customs cleared (clearance) or not.
WCCON:Whether Customs Cleared Or Not
WCNA:West Coast of North America.
WCSA:West coast of South America
WCUK:West Coast United Kingdom.
WCUS:West Coast United States.
WD:Working days.
WE/EI:West Britain/East Ireland.
WECON:Whether entered (in) Customs of not.
WEST:Western Europe.
WFA:With following alterations.
WHD:Per working (workable) hatch per day.
WHTC:Wordscale—hours, terms and conditions.
WIBON:Whether In Berth Or Not
WIFPON:Whether in free pratique or not.
WIPON:Whether In Port Or Not
WLTHC:Waterline to top of hatch coaming.
WLTOHC:Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming
WNA:Winter North Atlantic loadline mark.
WOB:Washed overboard.
WOG:Without Guarantee
WP:Weather Permitting
WPD:Weather Permitting Day
WRIC:Wire Rods In Coils
WS:Worldscale (Worldscale (WS): International freight index for tankers. A method of calculation of payment for the transport of oil by ships, for a single or several consecutive voyages. Worldscale is a table giving the amount of USD pr ton oil for a number of standard routes. The rates listed in the table - so-called flat rates termed W100 - are revised annually)
WT:Wing tanks
WTSBE:Working time saved both ends (Also, WTSBENDS).
WVNS:Within Vessel's natural segregation
WW:Weather working.
WWAWIWL:Worldwide and always within Institute Warranty Limits
WWD:Weather Working Day
WWDSHEX:Weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted.
WWF:Waterside Workers' Federation
WWR:When, Where Ready
WWWW:Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon
X:Shex, Sundays and holidays excepted.
XS:In excess of.